Young Carers

Young Carers are under the age of 18 and provide unpaid help and support for someone with a long-term physical disability, mental health condition, or problems with drugs / alcohol. 

If you feel you are caring for someone at home, a parent or a sibling with a disability then please talk to your Class Teacher or Mrs Playfoot and we can offer support in school. 

Top Tips for Coping as a Young Carer (From Surrey Young Carers)

If you are feeling worried or overloaded try these activities to help you cope:

  • Go horse riding or walking
  • Play music
  • Keep a diary
  • Play the Xbox
  • Experiment with make up
  • Go for a bike ride
  • Doodle and draw
  • Talk to others / friends at school
  • Read a book
  • Make of watch YouTube videos

Surrey Young Carers Website

Hampshire Young Carers Website