School Uniform
Our school uniform can be purchased from Phoenix of Ash, either in person or from their online shop here.
All pupils must wear the Walsh Schools Sweatshirt, Cardigan or Fleece and this is the only item of uniform we expect your child to wear with the school logo*.
- Walsh Schools Sweatshirt*
- Walsh Schools Cardigan*
- Walsh Schools Navy Fleece*
- Walsh Schools White Polo Shirt (with or without logo)
- Walsh Schools White PE T-shirt (with or without logo)
- Walsh Schools PE Drawstring Sports Bag (with or without logo)
- Walsh Schools Baseball Cap (with logo) - for outdoor use only
- Plain Navy Shorts
Please note:
Plain navy jumpers and cardigans or other types of sweatshirts including hooded zip-up tops are not to be worn unless this is in place of a logo item which are currently produced by our new supplier.
The following list sets out our school uniform expectations:
School Uniform
- Walsh School Sweatshirt, Walsh School Cardigan or Walsh School Fleece*
- White polo shirt with or without logo
- Tailored, grey or black trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey, black or white socks or tights
- Black school shoes, low heel (no sandals or ballet styled shoes. Boots are not acceptable)
Summer Term (Additional):
- Blue checked summer dress
* All pupils must wear the correct Walsh sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece with the school logo.
Please note: Leggings are not to be worn.
P.E. Kit
- White t-shirt with school logo* or a plain white t-shirt.
- Black or navy shorts.
- Non-marking plimsolls for indoor use and running trainers for outdoor use.
- Plain black or navy blue jogging bottoms and a plain black or navy sweatshirt may be worn for outdoor games in the winter.
- A spare pair of black or white socks.
(The Walsh School sweatshirt/cardigan and tights are not to be worn during PE lessons).
Children attend school in their PE Kit on PE days unless in EYFS.
Other Items Needed for School
School Bag - All children will be allocated a locker for use during the school year, children will need to store their bags in their lockers so please ensure that any bags they are bringing to school are small and not too bulky. They only need to carry a very small number of items in their bags. The lockers are approximately 35cm high, 30cm wide and 45cm deep. Their school bag, PE bag and coat will need to be stored in the locker.
Water Bottle - Children need to bring a named water bottle in to school each day, this can be refilled during the school day. It should only contain plain water, flavoured water or squash is not permitted.
Coat - Children will need a coat in school, we will endeavour to be outside whatever the weather, a warm waterproof coat is needed for the winter months but a small waterproof foldable coat would be recommended for the warmer (but potentially wetter) months.
Sun Hat - During the warmer months we strongly recommend that you provide your child with a sun hat.
It is the prerogative in any school, for the Local Committee to lay down expectations regarding the wearing of uniform and general appearance for school. The uniform which children are expected to wear is outlined above.
Extremes of hairstyle or cut are unacceptable at school, as these can sometimes provide distraction. A grade 3 cut is the minimum acceptable and tramlines, shaved sections or ‘Mohawk’ styles are not allowed. Also it may be the case that they can be interpreted as a gesture, which challenges the school rules.
Hair that is shoulder length or longer should be tied up in a ponytail or plait. Only plain navy, black, brown or white hair bands or hair clips to be worn. Hair bows are not to be larger than 3cm (including bows on Alice bands), they must be plain navy or black coloured. Decorative hair accessories such as large bows/flowers are not acceptable.
The children are also not allowed to wear make up, nail varnish or false nails at school. This diverts attention from teaching and learning, which of course is our main function, and also there are health and safety issues to consider. The Local Committee and the Headteacher reserve the right to decide and define what is considered acceptable.
School shoes must be black low-heeled leather-style school shoes or plain black trainers (coloured laces, flashes, soles, trims and visible logos are not permitted). Boots, canvas shoes and ballet styled shoes are not acceptable footwear. Open-toed sandals are NOT allowed to be worn for school for reasons of health and safety. If your child is unable to wear their school shoes a written note must be given to the class teacher to explain the reasons why.
Jewellery should NOT be worn in school for reasons of safety. If parents have their child's ears pierced, please could it be done at the beginning of the summer holiday so that the earrings can be removed for P.E./Games when the children return to school in September. If a child cannot remove their own earrings, these may be taped up for PE lessons. Only small plain gold/silver flat earrings or studs are permitted, not rings, as they can easily catch during play and cause injury. Children are only allowed to wear one piercing in the lobe of the ear only. Children must be able to remove/insert/tape their own earrings, alternatively please remove their earrings before school on PE days.