White Rose Maths
Our curriculum maps for Maths are based on the White Rose yearly overviews. These set out the curriculum in blocks, enabling children to get to grips with different areas of Maths through extended periods of time following small, incremental steps to mastery. Teachers plan lessons using the White Rose Maths Premium resources to support teaching and learning, enriched with materials from other sources such as the NCETM. A ‘mastery’ approach has been adapted and implemented at Walsh Schools for planning, delivery and engagement with Maths. The implementation of teaching for mastery in the classroom supports the children’s mathematical fluency and builds on their understanding through a concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach. When planning, teachers take mastery strategies into account and display these within their own lessons. These include:
- using planned small steps
- a ping pong style of delivery (I do, we do, you do)
- implementing a CPA approach when introducing, exploring and applying mathematical concepts
- considering key questions and mathematical vocabulary at the planning stage
- providing regular opportunities for verbal and written or drawn reasoning using mathematical vocabulary to explain
- relevant problem solving opportunities
- allowing children to draw upon multiple concepts to approach a challenge
- inclusion of all learners, providing relevant support for those with additional needs (educational, medical or otherwise)
Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS)
Click on the logo to access the game
Every child in KS2 has a TTRS login. This is an engaging online programme which supports the learning and speedy recall of times tables. The children can take part in single player activities to improve their own knowledge and speed and, when they feel confident enough, they can take on challenges from other children in their class, our school and across the TTRS community. There are several different platforms within TTRS, including Soundcheck which emulates the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and allows children to practise entering multiplication answers online at speed.
Click here to access Numbots
In EYFS, KS1 and year 3, children use NumBots, which focuses on number bonds and enables children to develop their understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating. It offers two approaches to learning:
Story Mode - the emphasis here is on learning the ideas and concepts behind addition and subtraction so it features more diagrams, shapes and question styles,
Challenge Mode – the emphasis is more on speed of recall of key facts, like number bonds to 10, doubling small numbers or adding and taking away mentally.
Click link:
In KS1 and KS2, all children will be set weekly online maths homework . MyMaths is an online-based maths homework system, which is used to set children homework once a week.
Fun Stuff: Maths
Here you will find a selection of websites with Maths-based activities recommended for developing early numeracy skills. Remember that young children should always be supervised when using the internet.
Maths Zone - maths learning games. Please follow the links below for games suitable for: - Interactive games for pupils. Use the search bar to find games linked to their maths topic - White Rose 1 minute maths app. A free app that can be downloaded onto tablets, ipad, phone. To help build greater number confidence and fluency - A range of mathematical challenges - Master the essential skills through fun and interactive questions - A range of maths activities using dice, counters and games - Maths EYFS-Numberblocks - Maths – EYFS Bud’s Number Garden
Supporting your children at home.
Please click here to find fun ideas to support your child at home.